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New Paper Looks at Older Adults as Patient Partners

Posted date: March 28, 2021

Congratulations to our Aging, Community and Population Health team for the publication of their recent paper: Engagement of older adults with multimorbidity as patient research partners: Lessons from a patient-oriented research program. The paper was published in the March 17, 2021 issue of the Journal of Multimorbidity and Comorbidity.

The research paper shares the five challenges the team, led by Dr. Maureen Markle-Reid, learned from working with older adult partners throughout the research process. These were:

1) actively finding patient partners who reflect the diversity of older adults with multimorbidity;

2) developing strong working relationships with patient partners;

3) providing education and support for both patient partners and researchers;

4) using flexible approaches for engaging patients, and;

5) securing adequate resources to enable meaningful engagement.

The hope is that this paper will provide guidance to researchers on how to have meaningfully engage with this vulnerable and understudied subgroup in the patient engagement literature.

Read the paper here.

Featured in Article

Maureen Markle-Reid


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