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Training and Mentoring

Ensuring patient-oriented research remains top-of-mind by training the next generation to see it as a critical part of their approach to research.
Training and Mentoring

What We Do

  • Ensure that the next generation of Canadian diabetes researchers understands the importance of patient partnership and how to effectively integrate it into their work.
  • Collaborate with our partners to provide national training and mentoring opportunities through Patient-Oriented Research (POR) workshops. These partners and collaborators include the SPOR National Training Entity, The National Research Training Platform, MyRoad (Maximize Your Research on Obesity and Diabetes), and the Cardiometabolic Health, Diabetes and Obesity Research Network (CMDO).
  • Integrate trainees into DAC 2.0 Network projects as active team members in order to facilitate the sharing of research results across the Network and to enhance experiential learning opportunities.

Get Involved

You will participate in discussions approximately once a month pertaining to research projects and strategic goals of the Network. You can also get involved in a research team! Researchers need your feedback to make sure research projects are relevant for people living with diabetes.

Our Team

André Tchernof


André Carpentier


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By Krista Lamb On March 31st, the Government of Canada announced new funding to support training and development programs in the health care space. Diabetes Action Canada is pleased that our new Training and Mentoring program co-lead Dr. André Tchernof at the Université Laval, received one of these awards, entitled Maximize your Research on Obesity […]

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Patient Engagement

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