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Innovations in Type 1 Diabetes

Creating collaborative patient-oriented research programs that enables innovative research in T1D.
Innovations in Type 1 Diabetes

What We Do

  • Promote and support clinical trials in type-1 diabetes (T1D) that are co-developed and designed with people living with or affected by  T1D.
  • Ensure all Diabetes Action Canada T1D programs use an Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) framework, leverage established relationships for meaningful patient partnership and foster culture of inclusivity and innovation that leads to better health outcomes for all.
  • Accelerate the development of innovative therapies, devices, and solutions for improved clinical care in T1D through the Connect1d Canada platform.
  • Establish and nurture a network of T1D researchers across Canada to promote collaboration in identifying research opportunities, developing registries, and ensuring that research is relevant and meaningful to those living with T1D. By working together and leveraging our collective expertise, we can accelerate progress towards improving the lives of everyone affected by T1D.

Get Involved

You will participate in discussions approximately once a month pertaining to research projects and strategic goals of the Network. You can also get involved in a research team! Researchers need your feedback to make sure research projects are relevant for people living with diabetes.


Connect1d Canada is a patient-driven digital platform that allows those with type 1 diabetes (T1D) to easily learn about innovative treatments from across Canada, while contributing to research in the areas that matter most to them.

Connect1d Canada Community Advisory Committee (CCAC)

The Connect1d Canada Community Advisory Committee (CCAC) supports decisions related to how the Connect1d project is managed, how participants and staff are protected, and how accountability is assured. As Connect1d grows, the CPAC ensures the project meets the needs of the T1D community.

T1D Who is in our network

Building a network of researchers and clinicians working in T1D to create a collaborative research consortium to design patient-oriented research projects and leverage new funding opportunities

Our Team

Bruce Perkins


Kate Farnsworth

Peter Senior

BMedSci (Hons), MBBS (Hons), Ph.D., FRCP, FRCP(E)

Tracy McQuire


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Related Podcasts

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Episode three features an interview with Patient Partner Kate Farnsworth and Dr. Bruce Perkins about closed loop technologies and the DIY looping community.

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In episode six, Dr. Anne-Sophie Brazeau and Nathalie Kinnard discuss the BETTER registry and the research they are doing in Quebec to help people with T1D manage or prevent hypoglycemia.

Related Webinars

Connect1d – Narrated Video for Participants

This video was created to demonstrate the functionality of the Connect1d platform for those interested in joining.

Connect1d – Narrated Video for Researchers

This video was created to demonstrate Connect1d for researchers using the platform to upload studies and recruit participants.

Connect1d – Sneak Peek

This webinar has a walkthrough of the Connect1d platform and an update on how our Patient Partners and community members helped to create this valuable resource.

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