Patient-Oriented Research (POR) Program Committee
The Patient-Oriented Research (POR) Program Committee is composed of 23 Principal Applicants (PAs) including the Co-Scientific Leads and the co-Leads of each of the POR)Programs and Themes. This committee meets monthly and advises the Scientific Co-Leads and the SPOR Network management on all activities of the Network. It also provides an opportunity for our Network leadership to network, report on progress, share opportunities for collaboration, and address challenges. All research and management activities are brought forward to this committee, chaired by Gary Lewis who, in turn, reports to the Steering Council.
Networking among Investigators across the POR Programs and Themes within Diabetes Action Canada is necessary to optimize collaborative integration and efficiency. The Co-Scientific Leads and Research Program and Theme Leads work together with their counterparts in the other SPOR Networks in collaboration with provincial SPOR SUPPORT Units and the CIHR SPOR Program.
The following is a brief overview of the administrative function of this Committee:
- Coordinates and monitors all research, knowledge mobilization (KM) and education translation activities within the Network with advice from the Patient Circles
- Ensure the work plans are executed with adherence to timelines
- Evaluative reporting on outputs and outcomes
- Advises the Steering Council about new Network members
- Provides guidance and feedback on strategic directions of the Network, including changes to implementation of projects or development of new opportunities
- Advises POR Programs and Themes about new opportunities for acquiring new revenues and partners
- Receives annual reports of all of the projects and evaluates progress toward target deliverables and milestones
- Assists in preparation of the annual budget with the Executive Director and DAC Administrative team
- Assists the management team in ensuring timely reporting of the revenues and expenses and assessing financial targets according to the planned budget throughout the year
- Works closely with institutional fund-raising leads to leverage new resources to meet and exceed the target for matched funding
Members of the POR Program Committee
- Gary Lewis (Co-lead)
- André Carpentier (Co-lead)
Patient Engagement through an EDI Lens
- Joyce Dogba
- Holly Witteman
Knowledge Mobilization – Implementation Science and Evaluation
- Monika Kastner
- Valeria Rac
Digital Health Solutions for Learning Health Systems
- Joe Cafazzo
- Braden O’Neill
- Alexander Singer
Indigenous Peoples’ Health
- Malcolm King
- Jon McGavock
Training and Mentoring
- André Tchernof
- Monika Kastner
Older Adults with Diabetes
- Rebecca Ganann
- Melissa Norwood
- Paula Rochon
Foot Care and Prevent of Lower Limp Amputations
- Charles de Mestral
- Thomas Forbes
- Christine Murphy
Innovations in Type-1 Diabetes
- Bruce Perkins
- Peter Senior
Diabetic Retinopathy Screening
- David Maberley
- Valeria Rac
Mental Health and Diabetes
- Peter Selby
- Diana Sherifali
- Shannon Carkner (Fundraising) – ex officio
- Tracy McQuire – (Executive Director) – ex officio
- Catharine Whiteside (Director, Strategic Partnerships) – ex officio
- Carlos Larrain Herrera – Recorder