David (Dave) lives in Fredericton, New Brunswick. He is a Patient Partner with Diabetes Action Canada (DAC; joined in 2018), the Maritime SPOR Support Unit (MSSU; joined in 2013), and Patients for Patient Safety Canada (PFPSC, associated with Healthcare Excellence Canada; joined in 2012). From 2005-2011 he chaired the New Brunswick Surgical Care Network Advisory Committee, which designed and implemented new procedures that reduced surgical wait times in New Brunswick by 50-70%. During 2012-2015 he was the patient representative on the New Brunswick Primary Health Care Steering Committee, which changed the delivery of primary health care in New Brunswick by producing an extensive Guidelines document adopted for Family Medicine New Brunswick (2017). Dave currently serves on five DAC committees, and is a patient partner on four CIHR grants. Since March 2019 he has co-facilitated twelve courses on Patient Oriented Research. From 2003-2013, Dave was a caregiver for Solveig, his wife of 50 years, as she dealt with five cancer diagnoses, three surgeries, two radiation therapy sessions, and three chemotherapy sessions. Solveig passed away in March 2013 and Dave misses her every day.