Dr Greiver’s work centers on using Canada’s increasingly large amounts of electronic health data to improve the health and lives of Canadians; diabetes is now a critical health issue for more Canadians than ever. She oversees the Electronic Medical Record data system as well as clinical research activities for UTOPIAN, the University of Toronto Practice-Based Research Network (PBRN), which includes over 1,400 family physicians and is the largest PBRN in Canada. UTOPIAN partners front line providers and academic researchers, providing insights into what is working and what could work better in primary care. She is the lead for the Primary care Ontario Practice Learning and Research Network (POPLAR), combining EMR data from all seven Networks across Ontario’s six Departments / Sections of Family Medicine and the Alliance for Healthier Communities (Ontario’s Community Health Centres).
She has worked with the leadership of Diabetes Action Canada on a National Diabetes Repository, launched in 2018. The Repository includes Electronic Medical Record data on over 120,000 patients from five provinces, and an age and sex matched set of 120,000 patient without diabetes. It has been designed to accept and combine multiple sources of data, including information added by patients living with diabetes on their health and wellbeing. It is intended to offer patients new ways to access and use their data and enhanced options to engage and participate in care and research positioned to be meaningful and relevant to them.