When should we plan for knowledge mobilization? Is there a certain or best time to be thinking about how to share the results of our research studies with those who are interested in those results? Learn about the WHEN of knowledge mobilization in the fifth and final video of our Knowledge Mobilization Basics video series.
Knowledge mobilization (KM) is not a one size fits all approach. In this fourth video of the KM basics video series, we explore the importance of understanding contexts, settings, and circumstances before we move the research results into the real-world.
Simplifying Complexity: How to select and use KM-IS Theories, Models and Frameworks in research
Did you know that KM-IS theories, models and frameworks can be used to help guide how we share, use or apply research results in the real world to benefit patients, the public, and the healthcare system? Did you know that without using these theories, models and frameworks, your KM-IS efforts could lead to failed implementation and impact as well as wasted resources? There are over 150 existing theories, models and frameworks to guide KM-IS practice, but how do we select the one that fits our purpose, and how do we actually use them?