Knowledge Mobilization Team Launches KMap Tool
Posted date: December 17, 2024 |
In the summer of 2024, the DAC 2.0 Knowledge Mobilization-Implementation Science (KM-IS) Program team undertook a review of the overall program and its tools and resources. This mid-point review inspired several updates, including a revision of the KM planning tool to optimize its user-friendliness.
Now called the KMap Tool (Knowledge Mobilization Action Planning), the new name reflects the tool’s role as a “map” that guides the user as they move through various steps in the journey to create a KM plan for a particular project. Each of the five steps includes a description and examples, with additional guidance tips offered for some of the steps. A worked project example is also provided to illustrate considerations for each step and what a completed KM plan table looks like.
“The ‘map’ analogy was intentional as the tool serves to provide a structured roadmap to systematically think through important questions about your research and KM goals when planning for knowledge mobilization,” says Julie Makarski, co-lead DAC 2.0 KM-IS Program.
This new version of the tool now includes an introductory page with pertinent information about the tool and how to use it. The KMap Tool is available as a fillable document, to facilitate its completion and editing by multiple team members. It can be completed as a team or initiated by one team member and then circulated to the team for continued refinement. The KM plan that is generated can then be used as a blueprint to execute the KM activities outlined in the plan and is appropriate for a grant application or existing research project.
“Planning for knowledge mobilization involves preparation, intention, and action, and if done early during the design stage of research projects, can optimize both the dissemination and application of research results and outputs,” says Monika Kastner, Scientific Co-Lead for the DAC 2.0 KM-IS Program. “The KMap tool guides users to create a comprehensive KM plan, which can then be used to execute their KM activities.”
The KMap tool debuted at the November 2024 Diabetes Canada Pre-Conference workshop, where it was very well received. Workshop attendees were provided the opportunity to apply the tool using an example project and rated the tool highly for clarity and ease of use. All attendees indicated that they would use the tool for their work and would recommend it to others.
Looking ahead, the KM-IS Program will be offering a live webinar about the tool on February 6, 2025 from 1:00-2:00pm(EST). The webinar will provide information about KM planning for both pre-clinical and clinical research projects, a walk-through of the KMap tool, and tips for writing the KM section of grants. Save the date! Webinar registration will open in January 2025.