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Our Policies

Our Policies

Governance Policy Handbook

A high-level overview of governance practices of Diabetes Action Canada.

Policy for Membership in Diabetes Action Canada 2.0

Members of the Diabetes Action Canada (DAC) consist of those stakeholders who are actively contributing to the projects and activities of the Network. Network membership has four categories: Researcher (including Co-Scientific Leads) Knowledge User, Patient Partner, and Trainees. Read the Policy.

Sample Acknowledgements for Publications

View the sample acknowledgements for Diabetes Action Canada funded projects, supported projects, supported trainees and for research using the National Diabetes Repository

Politique de reémuneération financieère pour les patients partenaires

La recherche et les autres activités liées à la recherche financées par l’Action diabète Canada doivent refléter le temps et les contributions de tous les partenaires.

Financial Compensation Policy for Patient Partners

The Diabetes Action Canada Policy on Patient Partner compensation.

Patient Partner Participation Form

The Diabetes Action Canada Patient Partners Participation form.