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DAC-Supported Projects Receive Grants

Posted date: December 17, 2024

The entire team at Diabetes Action Canada (DAC) is thrilled to celebrate that eight out of the ten research projects funded through the CIHR Operating Grant: Knowledge Mobilization in Diabetes Prevention and Treatment received our support!

Of these projects:

“We are thrilled to see CIHR funding projects that recognize the vital role of Patient Partners in Knowledge Mobilization”, says Tracy McQuire, Diabetes Action Canada’s Executive Director. “We look forward to working alongside these teams to help move this important research to action and impact.”

The funded projects are:

Congratulations to all of the funded teams!

Learn more about DAC’s Knowledge Mobilization Consultation Service and Practice Tools.

Featured in Article

Anne-Sophie Brazeau


Valeria Rac


Sophie Desroches


Diana Sherifali


Peter Senior

BMedSci (Hons), MBBS (Hons), Ph.D., FRCP, FRCP(E)

David J. T. Campbell


Ian Zenlea


Related Webinars

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Associated Programs

Knowledge Mobilization

Knowledge mobilization (KM) involves activities that help create and use research in practical ways. For example, working together with patient partners to develop research and sharing the results with others are both KM activities. The goal of KM is to close the gap between research (what we know) and practice (what we do). This helps bring research into real-world use more quickly, improving the lives of patients and the public

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